Morden Police Community Engagement Survey

The Morden Police Board invites you to participate in a short survey to help us better understand our community’s opinions on crime and where Morden Police Services should focus their efforts.

Data collected from the online survey will be used to help establish the priorities and goals for the Morden Police Service’s 2023-2028 Strategic Plan. 

Your responses are entirely confidential and anonymous.  Your participation consists of completing seven questions which will take approximately 10 minutes.  All members of a household are encouraged to complete the survey, but we ask that a person complete the questionnaire only once.

Your opinions are important to us and we thank you for taking the time to complete the survey.  If you have any questions about Morden Police Services or this survey please contact us.

The results of the survey will be made available to the public on the Morden Police Services website.

The survey is available until February 27, 2023.

2023 Survey
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1. What is your connection to Morden
2. What is your age
3. What do you identify as
4. How likely do you think it is that the following activities occurs in Morden?
Very unlikelySomewhat unlikelyVery likelySomewhat likely
Property crime (includes property damage, graffiti, arson, or similar acts of vandalism)
Very unlikely
Somewhat unlikely
Very likely
Somewhat likely
Drug crime (illicit drug use/sales/trafficking)
Very unlikely
Somewhat unlikely
Very likely
Somewhat likely
Violent crime (homicide, sexual offences, bodily harm, harassment, or other acts of violence)
Very unlikely
Somewhat unlikely
Very likely
Somewhat likely
Youth crime
Very unlikely
Somewhat unlikely
Very likely
Somewhat likely
Theft under $5000.00 (includes retail thefts, break and enters)
Very unlikely
Somewhat unlikely
Very likely
Somewhat likely
Hate crimes
Very unlikely
Somewhat unlikely
Very likely
Somewhat likely
Gang violence
Very unlikely
Somewhat unlikely
Very likely
Somewhat likely
Very unlikely
Somewhat unlikely
Very likely
Somewhat likely
Weapon offences
Very unlikely
Somewhat unlikely
Very likely
Somewhat likely
Cybercrime (any crime using computers and network devices including bullying, hacking or identity theft)
Very unlikely
Somewhat unlikely
Very likely
Somewhat likely
5. Consider the traffic within Morden, what are the top concerns Morden Police Service should focus on in the future? Check your top 3.
6. Where should Morden Police Service focus their efforts on in the future? Check your top 5.
7. How do you stay informed and up to date on crime and safety concerns in the community and other Morden Police Service news and events? Select all that apply.